Total recall - teach your bird to fly to you on cue!

Everything you need to teach your parrot to fly to you when you ask it, and more!

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Welcome to's flighted recall training e-course for pet bird owners!
This course is for you if you either have no- or little experience in animal training or teaching a bird to fly to you on cue, or for those of you that have already started training but just can't seem to get to that really solid recall, and want some quality help on the way. Both the basics and more advanced topics are covered to give you everything you need to be successful.
*Disclaimer: Even though the promo video and some of the course material contains video of birds flying freely outside, this course does -not- teach you how to fly your bird outside. Free flying should never be attempted without the direct supervision of an experienced professional and a solid recall is only a small part of what is needed to be successfull - this course covers indoor flight training only!*

This is what professonal Animal Trainer and presenter Ken Ramirez says about the course:

"I liked Stephanie's course. I thought she covered the topic very well.
- Videos were very clear and always illustrate her point well. Nicely narrated.
- Really like the way she encourages flexibility for individual needs, but still emphasizes consistency.
- The course is light on reading and heavy on video, which is great.
- I like her use of homework when it was needed. Each homework assignment was easy, yet clearly important.
- I love her examples of bad training and how to avoid mistakes. She made those examples fun.

Overall, I think her course covered the subject well and very clearly"

Recall and other behaviors such as flying to a perch on cue are some of the most useful behaviors we can teach our pet birds. Except for the obvious advantages that comes with all positive reinforcement training, such as learning to communicate better, having fun with our bird and providing mental stimulation, training a good recall has many more benefits!

For one thing, it's a super good way of providing the skilled flyer with well needed physical excersize, and giving them a way to get rid of excess energy under controlled circumstances. In the wild, parrots would spend a lot of time flying to get food. Flight training is a great way to simulate that in our homes, and helps us keep our birds happy and healthy. It also makes every day living with birds a lot easier, since we have a way of asking them to come to us even if we can't reach them, and we are generally able to manage them a lot more safely. Additionally, if an accident were to happen and your bird gets loose outside, the chances of you being able to get it back are much higher if the bird has a really solid and generalized recall.
However, please note that this course does -not- cover teaching your bird outdoor freeflight, as that should never be attempted without direct supervision of an experienced professional.

Do more with your bird - start training today!

This course has also been translated to German! Please contact Dagmar Heidebluth at: vogelecke(at) for more info!

Lasse Hotti has been keeping parrots since the 80's and has this to say about the course:
Very pleased, you get it right away and the birds understand what I'm asking them to do so easily. I've been training Leonard (B&G Macaw) for several years so it's been a bit tricky to start over from scratch with him, but we're getting there now! I haven't trained Ture (Illiger's Macaw) before, but it's going so well after starting the course. It's really great as it covers all the basics really well before going in to detail, and it's so easy to understand and follow along.
Highly recommend!

Learn whenever you want, wherever you want!
Taking an ecourse is super convenient. You get access to all the material right away, but you can choose to look at the material whenever you want, on any device you want! No keeping track of time or waiting several weeks to take the course!

Your Instructor

Stephanie Edlund, CPBC
Stephanie Edlund, CPBC

Stephanie is the founder of, a certified parrot behavior consultant with the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (, and works professionally as a bird trainer, behavior consultant, international presenter as well as a part time veterinary nurse.

Already spent a lot of time trying to teach your bird to fly to you on cue, without getting the result you were hoping for? Did you have a really solid behavior that started to deteriorate? Does your bird only fly to you when you show it treats? Or maybe you haven't gotten started yet and really want to do it right from the start? Either way, this course is for you!
Step by step, we'll go through everything needed to train a solid recall, without the use of force or punishment. With the help of exclusive video examples and written instructions, you'll learn all you need to know to teach a really good recall behavior, and to problem solve based on modern animal trianing science and our instructors experience as a professional bird trainer.

The good thing about an online course is that you don't have to leave your home to participate, or even put on a dvd! All you have to do is log in and continue where you left off. You can watch any part of the course anywhere and any time you want from your computer, smartphone or pad. The material is divided in to bite-sized lessons that you can watch without having to sit down for long periods at a time.

The course is made up of five different parts that take you through everything from finding out what your birds likes and how to choose a cue for your recall, getting started with the first steps of training, and generalizing the cue to work in all kinds of different situations. You will get the most out of this course if your bird is not afraid of hands and will accept treats from you.

Time to get flying! Start having fun with your bird today! :)

Get started now!